WHERE TO STAY Hotels / Accommodations
To provide the best possible rates for you, we are utilizing the Koelnmesse’s efficient booking system. This system allows for an easy and convenient hotel booking process, ensuring participants enjoy their stay with the best deals.
You are able to book up to five rooms through the online booking form. For those requiring more than five rooms, there is a “Group Booking” link on the page for your convenience.
The system showcases a variety of available accommodations from our partner hotels, complete with the latest daily prices. Additionally, we’ve included hotels within a short walk from Gürzenich (event location), with whom special rates have been negotiated under reserved allotments:
Bookings are open now. You can instantly book by clicking “Details & Book”. An automatic email confirmation will be sent following the booking.
Please note that credit card details are required for booking confirmation, but the actual payment will be in accordance with the hotel’s booking conditions.
For any questions or assistance regarding the booking process, changes, or cancellations, please reach out to:
Hotel Travel Services Koelnmesse GmbH
Sonja Lambertz
Phone: +49 (0)221 821-3792
Email: s.lambertz @ koelnmesse.de or hotel-services @ koelnmesse.de
OUR VENUE The Gürzenich
REACH US Get directions to the event location
Location: Gürzenich Köln, Martinstraße 29-37, 50667 Cologne